Case Study

Mount Gibson Iron - supply chain certainty when needed most

Our reputation in the market brought new client, Mt Gibson Iron Ltd (MGX) to OMSB in March 2023. Their issue was the closure of the Kimberley road network following the prolonged damage inflicted by Cyclone Ellie from late December 2022 to early February 2023.

Our ability to provide roll-on, roll-off (RoRo) barge unloading, unrestricted wharfside laydown area and mechanical and transport services provided MGX with the alternative solution to dispatch their five haul trucks and other heavy equipment from Koolan Island (north of Derby) by sea rather than road.

These big units were driven off the barge by our qualified team and stored at OMSB’s secure wharfside facility until they were made ready for road transport. With plenty of laydown area to accomodate the provision of mechanical services, the load width was reduced by removing tyres, and the trucks were loaded onto flat-bed trailers for the next leg of their MGX journey.